Tag Archives: Guest room

Home Sweet…

I wanted to wait until every room was to my liking before I posted any photos of my house, but that’s never going to happen. So I did some major cleaning this weekend and snapped some shots to give you a glimpse into our home.

Living room

Dining room

Office/Guest Room


I spared you images of the bathrooms, kitchen and master bedroom. Nothing interesting to look at. So there you have it. Our home. Judge away.

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Office Sneak Peek

Remember when I put my foot down and finally sold the XX Large desk and chair in our office/guest room? Since then, we repainted the puke green walls, purchased some size appropriate furniture and did some rearranging to create a much more pleasant space. It’s not done yet, but here’s a preview for the curious.

Before: Fugly walls and bed in the middle of the room

Can you even believe I allowed that chair into our home?

Better huh?

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Gray Matters

It’s been a week since we primed the office/guest room and I still haven’t decided on which shade of gray to go with. I’ve narrowed it down to Benjamin Moore’s Silver Fox (left) and Stonington Gray (right).

I’m leaning towards the Stonington Gray. The light in this photo is awful so here are some photosI found that better depict these colors. What do you think?

(Stonington gray: Image via Decor Pad)

(Stonington gray: Image via Decor Pad)

(Silver Fox: Image via Decor Pad)

(Silver Fox: Image via Apartment Therapy)

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Helpless Wife

“I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to help her paint.”

I repeated that four times until the Husband broke down and helped me prime the office/guest room last night. Together, we’ve painted every single wall in our house over the last five years and I once swore I would never paint again. What the hell made me think I could do it alone.

I attempted last night’s project on my own and about 1/8 of the way through, my forearm felt like it would fall off and my right foot was covered in primer.  I’m putting this project on my list of top regrets because the last thing I want to do is finish it. Luckily, this helpless wife has an amazing husband who agreed to help.

The only stipulation? The color we paint the room must be conducive to a nursery because we never want to paint another wall again. Do you think my baby will like gray?


(Inspiration images via Apartment Therapy)

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Cool Tone

Since a baby is out of the question until the Husband is done with school, I need to set aside any thoughts of turning our office/guest room into a nursery. Instead, I plan to redo the current space to make it more appealing to my eyeballs. I told you guys about our tiff over his beloved desk and chair. Well, I’ve since sold both pieces on Craigslist and ordered chic replacements. Next on the list: repainting the walls, rearranging furniture, new window treatments, bedding and wall art to turn our currently crowded office into a light, airy room we’ll enjoy spending time in. I can imagine that after reading this, the Husband will force me to start sleeping in the room so all the more reason to get cracking.

I bribed a friend with frozen yogurt to help me create a mood board since I have absolutely no Photoshop skills and he was crazy kind enough to oblige (I owe you way more than yogurt DL. Thank you.). I included pieces I already own like the bookshelf, chair and Parsons desk and incorporated some neutral bedding, curtains and other accessories I hope to obtain. I plan to add pops of color with art, flowers, and books, but overall I want the room to elicit a cool tone. You like?

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